Kenneth Roman Period 8 3/17/22 Modern Mythology
Kenneth Roman Period 8 10/29/21 Modern Mythology 2022 Socio-political Consciousness What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power? When I think of Issues of Inequity, oppression and power, I think of racism, Hilter, and the American Civil War. I think of Racism because it has to do with Oppression, Oppression of the Slaves brought here from Africa against their will and also has to do with how they were treated both during and after the Civil war. African Americans were basically used as cannon fodder by the north and if they were free black men up north they were treated like second-class citizens not being able to vote and not being able to provide for themselves. Hilter also Oppressed a people, he oppressed the Jews blaming them for the treaty of Versailles and he exterminated them from the world by burning them alive and having gas showers to get rid of them. These Three Things all are Oppression, Power and inequity and they...