
Kenneth Roman Period 8 5/17/22

 Kenneth Roman  Period 8  5/17/22 Modern Mythology 2022 Goal Setting & Growth At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why? After going through this entire year my goals have now changed as I now know where I'm going to college and what I'm going for the next four years. Now my goals are just finishing strong in high school and relaxing over the summer (well at least trying to) before starting the next four years of my life. I want to have a job that will let me have the freedom to make what I want and be able to help but also probably make stuff explode. Another goal I have for myself is that I want to have my own shop in my house with all the tool, computers and plane parts I would ever need to build something I could fly down the street. I have these goals set for myself so that I can have both a long term goal that I could foresee my self doing in 10 years but also a short term goal that can be done within a couple of months o...

Kenneth Roman Period 8 3/17/22 Modern Mythology

 Kenneth Roman  Period 8  10/29/21 Modern Mythology 2022 Socio-political Consciousness What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power? When I think of Issues of Inequity, oppression and power, I think of racism, Hilter, and the American Civil War. I think of Racism because it has to do with Oppression, Oppression of the Slaves brought here from Africa against their will and also has to do with how they were treated both during and after the Civil war. African Americans were basically used as cannon fodder by the north and if they were free black men up north they were treated like second-class citizens not being able to vote and not being able to provide for themselves. Hilter also Oppressed a people, he oppressed the Jews blaming them for the treaty of Versailles and he exterminated them from the world by burning them alive and having gas showers to get rid of them. These Three Things all are Oppression, Power and inequity and they...

Kenneth Roman Period 8 1/10/22

 Kenneth Roman  Period 8  10/29/21 Modern Mythology 2022 Literacy and Learning: Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or non-fiction covered in class? I enjoyed reading the Norse Mythology story's and it was very interesting how different character are portrayed in each story such as Oden in the mead of poets giving knowledge to the gods while he himself is supposed to be the leader of the gods, and how Thor in the land of the giants is supposed to be seen as this all mighty god with his hammer is humbled by the giants and he couldn't really do anything to them. I found these ways of portraying these character very interesting and it added a lot to Norse Mythology for me. Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception? When I was reading the Mead of Poets and found out that Kvass was actually named after Kvasir it opened to even more just how much everywhere is influenc...

Kenneth Roman 10/29/21 Period 8

Kenneth Roman  Period 8  10/29/21 Modern Mythology 2022 Goal Setting & Growth: At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why? At this point in time, a goal I have set for myself is that I want to just be able to finish all my college applications for myself and also I want to actually get accepted into those colleges.  Have these goals for myself because I want to be able to do a job that I actually find fun interesting. The Major I want to do in a College is Aerospace Engineering because I get to design rockets and equipment that goes into space and I want to be able to be a part of that. Another short-term goal I have is to just finish this week off and be able to go to bed on Saturday without having to worry about anything. I have this goal because it shouldn’t be a very hard goal to get to and having easy goals in life lets you live a little lighter rather than having everything weighing down on you at once. How do you demonstr...